It is designed to be used with the Stalingrad Ruins set.
Mats are way more portable too since they roll up. Mats are a great place to start looking but there are a ton of companies making mats these days and you will have lots of options.

Since that initial weekend there has been eight more annual games including Arctic Strike, The Tide is Turning - NATO Counterattack in Southern Germany, The Battle of Hanover, Aegean Strike, Arctic Strike II and Landjut. Filling the empty space with fields and pastures is one of the quickest, cheapest ways to enhance your battlefield. Overview: If you don’t have the time to make a board like above, a battle mat is also a good solution. So on April 20th 2012 the forces gathered and over the following two days battle raged across West Germany and Holland as the Warsaw Pact invaders fought their way across Western Europe in 1985.

One of our esteemed brethren, a Mr Richard Crawley, had the crazy idea to hold a huge 6mm CWC gaming weekend played over three large tables, using hundreds of bases of infantry and armoured fighting vehicles. The beginnings of the Cold War Commanders goes back to 2012 and a small school hall in the wonderful village of Dungworth, near Sheffield. High quality wargames scenery and wargames terrain for Miniature Wargames and Railway models.